Learn about

WWF Hong Kong

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is one of the world’s most respected conservation organizations, with a network active in more than 100 countries. ​Founded in 1961, WWF’s mission is to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world’s biological diversity; ​ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable; ​promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. ​

Committed to Conservation and Education Since 1981

WWF-Hong Kong (WWF-HK) has been working since 1981 to deliver solutions for a living planet through Conservation, Footprint and Education programmes.

It operates four education centers namely Mai Po Nature Reserve and Education Centre, Hoi Ha Marine Life Centre, Island House Conservation Study Centre and Central Visitor Centre to conduct public education and research work in Hong Kong for many years.​

For more information about WWF-HK, please visit wwf.org.hk or follow us on:

‘We are committed to developing innovative strategies for a climate adaptation plan for the Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar site, ensuring its future conservation. This concert not only raises awareness but also generates crucial funding to support our ongoing efforts to protect this vital habitat.’

- Kenny Chan, Development Director, WWF Hong Kong.

Stay Informed

Support WWF’s Conservation Efforts

Enhance your concert experience by joining a tour to the Mai Po Nature Reserve.

Support WWF's vital conservation work and help maintain the wetlands, ensuring a safe habitat for the endangered Black-faced Spoonbills and other wildlife.

Photo credit: Neil Fifer